Location: Capital University of Science and Technology
Date: 26 September, 2023
Prof. Tobias’s visit to Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST) took place from the 26th to 28th of September 2023.
Prof. Tobias had a welcome meeting with the Vice Chancellor in the morning followed by a presentation about CUST presented by Dr. Amir Qayyum. A workshop on “Teaching Practical Problem Solving (PPS) in Practice” which included a tutorial class with programming tasks were conducted by Prof. Tobias Sprodowski in B Block Workshop Room, where faculty members from various departments participated.
An interactive session on “Benefits of Internationalization; Adapting to a Classroom in a European University” took place in the afternoon, involving final year students from the department of Management and Social Sciences.
SSAPI, ERASMUS, Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan