Sri Lanka Technological Campus (SLTC), Sri Lanka
SLTC which was established in 2015 is the first corporate powered, research based and fully residential university in the country. We strive to be the “centre of excellence for the development of full student potential for the benefit of Sri Lanka and the rest of the world.”SLTC has five schools offering 26 undergraduate degree programs in the field of Engineering, Technology, Business Management, Computing & IT and Music. All these degree programmes are being curated to meet the academic standards required by the Ministry of Higher Education and the University Grants Commission. The Engineering and Technology degrees offered by the SLTC are Washington Accord and Sydney Accord accredited, respectively.
The University has established three entities to ensure successful delivery. These three entities are the Centre for the education of teachers, the Centre for international and national collaboration and the Centre for Quality assurance.
The latter ensures that the student experience is maximized while maintaining the curriculum up to date and relevant to current and future trends, delivery of material is project-based and learning centred, adhere to national and international guidelines. In addition, the centre is responsible for conducting frequent student feedback surveys and implementing recommendations with the help of School heads and relevant management and academic personnel. The external collaboration unit ensures the curriculum and delivery methods are in-sync with the national and international partner organizations. The Centre for Education of the teachers are responsible for ensuring and training the lecturers and their delivery methods follow modern techniques that amplify student learning.
The University delivers programmes through five schools. Each school has a board of study headed by the school head, responsible for the delivery, administration and development of courses. This board ensures the student curriculum is revised according to the guidelines and to keep in line with the changes in the world around. It also ensures the delivery of the course meets the Q&A goals including the change of teaching personnel and the improvement of teaching aids such as laboratories.
Project Goals
Having identified major problems and needs such as the teaching centric education system at HEI in Sri Lanka, less focus on research , the need to develop career guidance programmes that match with the skills and low use of technology in the teaching and learning process, Sri lanka Technological Campus (SLTC) joins hands with the project SSAPI to learn from the EU partners and to get strategic support to uplift the standards of higher education system of SLTC , accreditation of degree programmes and internationalization inline with the international standards and policies.
As laid in the project proposal, through the learnings of SSAPI project, SLTC intends to strengthen its presence in the development of the HE sector and amongst the partner Institutes while contributing to the economic and social environment with continuous contribution and adaptation of the following activities;
- Development of the programs, curriculums, module contents to fulfil the knowledge gaps and the industry expectations and the need as well as based on the local and international expectations.
- Conduct the Follow-up and reviews at least in every two to three years of the first review of the program/ curriculum development and continuation of same.
- Implementation and continuous documentation process through much formal methods of monitoring mechanisms such as peer reviews etc.
- Improve faculty’s understanding and create awareness through faculty engagement and provide development opportunities through internationalization activities and programs.
- Encourage industry expert participation in the program delivery and provide the opportunity for the academics to obtain practical knowledge from the industry.
Project Members
Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana
Director – International Affairs
Project Manager
Dr. Udesh Oruthota
Director Academic Resources
Senior Lecturer (Grade I)
Faculty of Engineering
Dr. Lasith Yasakethu
Senior Lecturer Grade I
Faculty of Engineering
Mr. Rajitha Wijerathne
Faculty of Management Studies
Teacher/Trainer/ Researcher
Ms. Dileesha Liyanage
Assistant Manager
Office of Research &
International Affairs
Researcher/Support Admin Officer
Dr. Damith Gangodawilage
Faculty of Management
Teacher/ trainer/Researcher
Dr. Deepika Priyadarshani
Lead- Quality Assurance
Senior Lecturer (Grade I)
Faculty of Engineering
Dr Tharanaga Gunarathna
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Faculty of Computing
Dr Tharanaga Gunarathna
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Faculty of Computing
Mr. Mahima Weerasinghe
Lecturer, Faculty of Computing, Teacher/Trainer/ Researcher